Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Life. Wouldn't we all like to think that we have everything figured out? Or at least somewhat close. Right? We're born and for the first few years of our lives our parents have everything figured out for us. Then we reach a certain age and we begin to figure it out on our own. Eventually we begin to decide on what we want to be when we grow up, then what type of spouse we would like, how many kids we want, where we want to live, how famous (or infamous) we want to be and so on. Some even get to go through most of life believing that they have it all, but most of us aren't quite so lucky (even the ones who think they have all find they don't).
Life will always throw you a curve ball.
Simple. Life is an adventure! Now when you think of an adventure you may think, knights saving beautiful ladies, African safaris, discovering new world. "Going where no man has gone before" (John Luke Picard, Star Trek the Next Generation). Now some adventures such as these really do exist its true, but for most of us our adventure will be something a bit different. Adventure really means this stepping outside expectation, taking chances, letting love happen, making life altering mistakes. Sometimes it even means to run around in circles because of all the craziness, so much so that you can't anymore and you just have to sit down and cry. And when you do you might finally get a chance to see just how good life is despite the chaos. If you hadn't been going through that stress you would have been crying, and the tears wouldn't have blurred your focus. And if you hadn't lost focus on the craziness of it all, your focus wouldn't have had a chance to change.
Adventure changes who you are.
My husband and I have been getting into the TV series "Lost" lately. Now
this is the extreme of adventure. We've only made it through the first season and twelve episodes of the second season, but it has been fun watching the incredible changes that have taken place in the people who have been stranded on the island. Talk about chaos. There is always something or someone trying to kill them, strange animals like polar bears and horses roaming around, unexplained technology confusing everything further, and so on. But if this chaos hadn't happened some of these people would never have gotten over the life long struggles they had been dealing with.
An acquaintance of mine once said, Chaos is good, anarchy is bad. Chaos is God letting certain things get stirred up so that positive change can happen. Anarchy is enemy interference stirring things up so that destruction happens. They are both
very uncomfortable, but only one has a happy ending.
Sometimes life is crazy, it makes you want to scream "STOP!!!", or sit and cry till there's nothing left of you but a puddle, or even go completely numb so that the craziness of life cannot effect you any longer.
But its not all bad. Don't try to run away or block it all from view.
Embrace the chaos and let it change you. Discover the anarchy and find a way to stop the destruction.

You think maybe I've been going through this of late? Yes, of course. It may have produced a bit of rambling writing, but perhaps its a point of view that might brighten another chaotic life.

Question of the day: What is the best peanut butter combo you've ever had? Peanut butter and pickles (you may have been pregnant), chocolate, coffee, macaroni, sardines, a lemon. What was it, what was the best combo ever, anything at all.


Nadine said...

peanut butter and bananas is great.

Anonymous said...

Peanut butter and honey, well thats the easy answer ... hahaha thats the answer to the question if Joe didn't have one and a half beers in in him, and a shot of whiiiiiiiiskey ... heh AHAAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! Ok peanut butter goes great on . . .GI Joe soldiers.. they were a great toy, if the world were more like the quality of those toys it would be a better place. No! Maybe the elves in Lord of the Rings did have pretty faces and a +235 agility as a racial ability, but the dwarfs they were the true heroes...because they....they ......they were cooler. I don't know is it hot in Here? yes... the answer is yes- it was a rhetorical question, Sure maybe the democrats would like to think that republicans are evil with a tolerance lvl of zero, but they both suck in my book...[Joe's Book on the Sucky Political Parties of America] buy it today for only $29.99 Canada $.05 U.S.A. . . . . . So all that to say Peanut butter is good. very good. . . with.....

*passes out and hits the ground with crashing metal sounds*

Good night everybody!

a woman who is said...

Okay Joe...you need to start a blog :>)

I am boring, peanut butter on toast with honey.

Have you ever tried Nuttella?
Hazelnut butter with chocolate mmmmmmmmmmmmm

Anonymous said...

Peanut butter and a spoon!!! yummy... just give it to me straight out of the can!

Jenn Troutman