Thursday, April 12, 2007

Question of the day

What was the best way you ever found to express who you are?


a woman who is said...

I don't know if I have found the best way. I just have this creative creature in me that lurks around. When ever I really get to busy with life to find time to be creative, I find it squirts out in many different ways. Yes, I use the word squirt, because it just comes out like my toothpaste tube left uncovered, or maybe that is an ooze. Sometimes it is as simple as wearing a funky pair of earrings that day. Or teaching my self how to create pictures with a garden and plant material. Building a house this past year, decorating it, I guess the best way I express myself is through my environment. I am very visual and my surroundings are very important to me.

Anonymous said...

One time when I was working for the agency in the Cuban part of Toronto CA. My cover was blown as an undercover spy for the U.S C.I.A. Well it wasn't my fault. I told those jerk butts that I didn't speak a word of French. . . But anyway... while i was being tortured, by Cuban African Communist, under the supervision of Capitan Johnny Yoshmitzu,, I lost the ability to speak. Yeah.... during the fifth session of my being tortured for information, I was in a cage with large monkeys armed with rubber chickens, I got a rubber chicken foot lodged in my mouth....funny story...but yeah my speech was impaired for the duration of the interrogation. Which was good cause i was just about ready to crack....ANYWAYS! I had to find a way to lie to em, and to do so i would need to communicate with them without the use of words or my hands. I forget how i did it cause they used a serum on me to forget the entire thing. It must have been creative though cause im still alive. THE END