Saturday, April 7, 2007

To Blog

This is new for me. Blogging. Its a way to let the world know what you think (or don't). It also so happens to be a great way to vent or empty out the random thoughts of your day. For me? Well, you never know what I might write next, it could be amazing, or just weird, perhaps pointless, it may even put you to sleep. We'll find out soon enough.
I have an over active mind, it rarely stops and if it does, well... lets just hope my mouth is closed, you never know what might come out in those rare moments. I plan on using this blog to (among other things) find out what other over active minds exist, I'll try to post a random question everyday (even if I don't have the time to write anything else). We'll see what kind of minds are out there, heh heh heh.

Today's question: What is "a warm chill"?
Weird? Yeah, I know. : )


Anonymous said...

Warm chill = EATING french fried potato's on a hot christmas morning, WITH nothing on except a pair of slippers and those hot spongebob boxers, WHILE listening to the "Melvin and the Chipmunks" rendition of "Dark Side of the Moon, WHEN the the only light coming inside your little apartment is a monotonous GREEN,YELLOW,RED of the traffic light that is way to close, BUT your feeling well because you know, that one Christmas morning while eating french fried potatos in you sponge bob boxers listening to Alvin sing about "Money"......You feal fine because you will know... someday the clouds will be gone.

a woman who is said...

Warm chill....hmmmm

Making me laugh Joe...

Loved seeing your wedding pictures.

Thanks for visiting my blog, hope I can add you to my list?

Nadine said...

Well you tried to hide but I found you. Too funny C and Joe.
Warm chill ...french fries with a dipped in a Wendy's frosty...hey don't knock it until you try it.