My husband and I were married June 17th 2006, so we are almost to our first year anniversary. You know a large number of people claim that the first year is the most difficult, you are getting used to living with one another, learning isms of the other you never knew, finding the bad habits, dealing with joint finance, paired decision making, and so on. But I have found none of these to be difficult. Sure, there are things that must be gotten used to, but I have found the first year extremely enjoyable! And we have had more than our fair share of first year "trouble", with 7 months unemployment, one less than part time job, bill issues, moving across the country on a whim with nearly nothing in our pockets; you get the idea. But it hasn't put a damper on our love and who we are together.
I love my husband so much and it seems as though I fall in love with him more and more everyday. I find myself wonder "how is he more handsome today than he was yesterday?"
You might say, "Dear, its just the stars in your eyes, they'll fade away." My answer? Whatever! If its stars than I hope they are there for the rest of our lives! But what I really think it is, is God. He set us up, and I must say he is the best match maker there is when we listen.
We met in the same internship with Streams Ministries International. He was there a semester before me. When we started getting signals from the "matchmaker" we both said "NO!". We'd both been burned to many times and this was not the reason we had come to this internship. We had come to get closer to God, not a date. Thankfully dating was not allowed during the internship so we had to fight ourselves and God on the matter by ourselves. But by the end of May when the internship was coming to a close, God had done His work and we had both finally gotten the point. We were married one year and one month later (after a long distance relationship, he in PA, me in NH, with both going back and forth).
I love my husband so much, he means the world to me. I love his sense of humor, his creative side, his desire for adventure, how desperate he is for God, his heart for people, how he is always willing to try something new at least once and even looks for the new just to try it. I love his passion, I love the peace he can bring, I love his willingness to do anything that has a chance of bringing someone closer to their destiny. I love his all or nothing outlook, his drive for better, I love his worship dance to God. I love my husband beyond explanation or expression.
And I look forward to spending the rest of my life with him.
I've has "stars in my eyes" for over 25 years, they don't ever have to fade away! Three cheers for love!
7 years, 4 kids and still tons of "stars." You guys rock!
Love is grand. Being married to your best friend is the best thing in the world. I love Tom more each day.
31 years for us this June. Isn't it great what God joins together!!!
Hey my beautiful daughter-in-LOVE - You both got me cryin' after catching up on your blogs - Joey...cryin' laughin! and You... cryin' with gratitude that fills a mommies heart that her prays were answered that her son Joey would find a precious jewel - just like you!!! (And you know that hight on my list was someone who would love his sense of humor!!!) Your beautiful Bethany Leone... Absolutely Beutiful!!
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