Have you ever sat down in the middle of a mall or perhaps a park and just watched? All kinds of people everywhere. Most of them are not aware of being "watched" but most are aware of being noticed.
The 13 year old who's a newbie with the makeup and heals. The little boy hanging on to Daddy's hand, very animated because he's excited about where they are going. The elderly couple walking hand in hand each with an ice cream cone; you'd never know the wisdom of their years with the youthfulness of their smiles. The little girl in piggy-tails begging Mommy to let her have her ears pierced as they stroll by the jewelry store. The young man, old enough to know better, hiding the item freshly stolen from the electronics store with a security guard not too far behind.
Children laughing (occasionally wailing), young studs posing, mature men groaning behind wives, women clucking gossip, punks frowning at the dark cloud the world put over their heads. Its all there. And more.
But have you ever sat and really watched? Really?
That newbie with the makeup and heals could be an aspiring model who just needs a little encouragement in the right direction. The little boy hanging on Daddy could be going to the Discovery Store, cementing his future as a world renowned scientist. The elderly couple could be one of the seaming few in this world who have discovered the best of who they are together for the 60th year of their marriage and the ice cream was the best way to share the happy memory of their first date. The little girl with the piggy tales could, in the far and distant future, be pierced like non other just because she likes the way it looks, but it got her into a village in Africa saving lives where she would have been rejected without the piercing. The young man who just stole, could be working for the CIA in his future, gather intelligence without notice that could save the lives of many; his first job being security at this mall years before.
You never know the present or future of a stranger unless you take the time to try. You might see a snotty brat, an ADD kid, old people, an annoying whynner, a boy who needs a lesson learned. But what is the real story behind the people you see everywhere everyday?
Only God knows, why not ask.
Crazy Bugle. That's amazing "Perspective". Thanks for the heads up.
- Shadraq
I enjoy watching people when I travel out alone. They define life.
One day when I go to Paris, I want to sit at a cafe, watch people go by and write on my laptop.
I do like to people watch. Sometimes, I pray for them from afar when led to.
It's amazing what we can see if we have openned eyes... cool post, thanks.
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