Crazy! You know, I'm not really what you would call a cat person, but, well, I've got a kitten. No, this is NOT her. I don't have a way to get a picture of her on my computer. But this photo is very close. She is almost all black, but has a little tiny dribble of white under her chin. Soooo adorable. Now normally I am certainly a dog person, but we can not have a dog in our apartment and I have a co-worker who has been trying to get rid of some kittens. Sooooo, we took one. She's asleep on my lap right now making left hand only typing a new talent for me. We thought we had a name for her, but Joe wasn't feeling the name. So readers, what do you think? What is a good laid back and cute name for our new dinky friend?
Not Dee? Well, you know how much I love name meanings (I can't stop!!),so I looked up a few on www.name-meanings.com. Her personality will tell you her name, or her name may form her personality!
Abby-God is joy (Hebrew)
Adah-beautiful addition (Hebrew)
Lahela-innocent lamb (Hawaiian)
Lakia-treasure (Arabic)
Lamya-dark (Arabic)
Fiorella-little flower (Italian)
Gemma-precious stone (Italian)
Leola or Liona-lioness (Italian)
Viviana or Vivi-full of life (Italian)
Enya-little fire (Irish)
Kara- sweet melody (Irish)
Keira or Kira- little dark one (Irish)
Keitha-female warrior(Irish)
Maura or Maureen-dark (Irish)
Shannon-little wise owl (Irish)
Shaylee-fairy princess of the field (Irish)
Of course, you could call her "Dribble" for the white spot or one of my favorite cat names..."Twitch"!LOL
Congrats on the new kitty, love you Beth.
Dang your mom has some good names. We just got a kitten too. Dan just brought her home one night, than left for a trip : ( Guess who was babysitting? Where was your mom when I needed her? Fiorella, I love that. I have been calling our kitten Bella. Jenna is calling her Lorelai. I hope kitty doesn't get a complex.
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