Writing for me can sometimes be a very challenging task while at other times it can be very easy and enjoyable. Of late it has been somewhat of a challenge. I suppose when stress levels are high it affects the creativity and so this may be my explanation. But last week, sometime, I told Joe (my wonderful hubby) that I was going to start writing my book again. This is a book that I have been working on for about seven or eight years. It has been written, re-written, and re-written again and again, probably around five times. I am now finally on what I think may be the last re-write (basic editing excused since that never ends), but I have not touched in nearly a year. I would sit down to work on it and it would be just that, work. Last week when I told my husband I would work on it again (and he was very happy), I didn't do it, I played a computer game instead. Needless to say, he was disappointed. So I forced myself to sit down the next day and write. At first it was rather like a little girl and her bubbles, she blows, bunches of pretty bubbles float everywhere and she runs after them. I had all these little ideas floating in front of me and I could use any of them to move along with my story or I could just try to catch them all and hope it made sense and didn't become a mess. But somehow I found the one bubble that worked and the story began to flow again. So I am now hoping that this success will begin to reflect in my blogging and that I will begin writing more again.
glad your writing again. where do find those amazing pictures?
I pray that the creative juices continue to flow freely from you. Keep going - don't give up.
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