Hi everybody! Yeah, I know, I've been neglecting my blog for some time now. I'm afraid I have had little opportunity to write though. I am no longer able to use the internet at my home because the one computer I have for the internet has been infected by a root kit. Bad news! If I were to hook this computer up to the internet again I would risk the crummy little snot nose who put the root kit there getting a hold of all of my info. contained on that computer. So this means that I must "destroy" this computer and re-build it before I can safely use it again. So for now all blogging must be done at the library.
My kitty is doing well, her head finally proportionate with her body (she's been a pin head for some time now). But though she is doing well, my husband is not. He has now become allergic to her litterbox. This being the case he is usually sick when at home. So we must now find a new home for our little Gemma. Do YOU want her?
Question: If you know me (and you likely do if you even know about this blog), what career would you tell me to pursue? (Please temporarily forget that money may be an issue to gaining this career). What is the first thing that you would see me doing? Help solve the puzzle.
I've been waiting to see what others say, but since they haven't yet, here goes...You were created with an ABUNDANCE of creativity. From when you were little I watched you create games,dances, costumes and stories. So, you would be good in fashion design, painting, writing, anything you put your creative gift to. I think these are things you know, just wanted to confirm and tell you that the Creator has something perfect for you in His perfect time. Love you!
I also see the creativity; I can easily see you as a graphic designer. Passion is the built in God give homing device to our destiny, what are you passionate about? Go for it, you can do it!
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