Thursday, July 31, 2008

What Makes You...?

Photo by Craig Jewell

I don't know how many people actually read this blog anymore,
but for those who do, I have some questions.

What makes you sing?

What makes you happy?

What makes you paint?

What makes you write?

What makes you dance?


Hunter said...


Sing: Good music!

Happy: Good Food, Good Friends, Sunshine, Water, Longboarding and once again good music and more that would take a while to list! :)

Paint: Being alone in nature just listening and watching

Write: Getting up early and just listening for God to give me inspiration.

Dance: Worship music, Hardcore music, and stuff I love.

Sue said...

Happy:creativity and sensing God's presence
Paint:creative challenge
Write:either wanting to share my thoughts or write them down for future reference to "chew" on.
Dance:joy in worship (so far only at

Nadine said...

The joy of the Lord.

nanatrish said...

This is my first visit and I am coming back. I come by way of In a Garden. She is a wonderful friend and please join us in doing some creative work and posting on Sundays. I was late this week due to company but no one will yell because it's late. You asked what inspires me.I love hearing and see others creations and that truly inspires me. I feel so much happier when I am doing something creative. Take care.

James said...
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