Monday, August 11, 2008

Better Be Appreciative

Photo by Mikkolo of

I am in a world
of appreciation/thankfulness. Life can and usually will be not so fun. It is far too easy to view life through a vision dimmed by the black haze of everything wrong. Coming out of this haze has been a tremendous and somewhat thrilling experience. I am just now coming to recognize that I was in the haze in the first place. Though while in it I could recognize parts of it, most was far too thick for me to even be aware of how dark things had become.

What started the exodus? A new (and sure to become very excellent) friend obeying their creator. I think this person is likely unaware of how profound their words really were and of how powerful the impact was because they were fully open and ready for the creator to use them. They said something like this:

"You cannot carry the others pains or battles for them. The creator must carry these. But you can support them with your love and allow them to lean on you. Just focus on the creator's plan, the future you know is there, the future you know is perfect. All you can do is love and make your focus right, the rest is up to the creator, and he knows what he is doing."

Severely re-phrased, but the point is clear. I've come to realize (though I had thought it wasn't true of me) that in the midst of another's battles, I've lost sight of the one who allowd the battle to exist in the first place. I've lost sight of the things I have because of the things I don't have.

No, life is not easy, but it is not hell, no matter how close we may think we are to it.

I have an amazing husband with a mysterious and powerful destiny on his life that I get to share a piece of. I have just recently been able to purchase a laptop and Wacom tablet that will allow me to continue helping a ministry and expand on my graphic work. The budget might be tight but my creator made a way for us to have these tools. We have a car, how, I don't know, but we do. I have a gift for creativity that not only allows stress reliefe, but also lets me see a glimps of what my Creator can do through us mere humans when we say "yes". My Creator loves me and saves me. He is a very gentle a patient teacher.

I have so much to be appreciative for, its about time I start opening my eyes.

Praise our Creator! He makes all perfect ways open!


Sue said...

I'm so thankful for the path God is leading you on...bitter but sweet...the bitter makes the sweet so much more appreciated. You have been given so much to give, and the Creator gives more and more to you out of His boundless love.
Love you, Beth!

Nadine said...

Wise to come to that conclusion. He has His hands on you and you are filled with great love and kindness. I appreciate you.

Jen(n) said...

great post!