Monday, January 21, 2008


I've had some questions lately concerning a series of paintings I've been working on. So I thought that my blog would be a great way to share these three paintings with everyone. Sorry for the low quality photos, I don't have the proper studio equipment for taking pictures of these paintings. But this should give you a good idea.

#1 - Spirit and Soul Dance

#2 - Surpass

#3 - (Then Thunder)

So these are the three paintings. I began these painting wanting something to help out my sad empty walls in my apartment. I had no intention of painting a series and I had no pre-conceived ideas as to what I would paint. These paintings came about by my not paying any real attention to what I was doing; in fact my mind was rather racy with other things when I painted these. I guess for me these paintings were kind of like worship in the midst of my "mind storm".


Jen(n) said...

love them! you are an amazing artist. also love that new picture of you... you are so beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Amazing, Beth!! I especially like the blue one, the fabric is so ethereal(heavenly or celestial)and graceful, just like you! Love you...Mom

a woman who is said...

Oh Beth, I am so glad I dropped by.
I love your work, especially the last one. It reminds me of a song I have been listening to all week as I have been painting...Elijah Waters wrote it, after I told him about an experience our Bridge kids had one Sunday, dancing in the rain outside our church. The last chorus is about dancing in the rain. It so reminds me of your painting. I love it Beth!
Here is his web site. It is the first song on his player. The other three songs are great too.