Thursday, March 13, 2008

Hot Bites

Image by Igor Badalassi

So, we all know what it is like to take a bite of something too hot. You take that bite and wow! You start to draw in cool air as fast as you can (something a viewer might mistake for hyperventilation), in an attempt to cool the food. It doesn't work and food continues to slightly sear the inside of your mouth. Eyes tear and strange noises are emitted from you. Finally, the food having not cooled down, you resort to a hasty swallow. Not a good idea. You may or may not feel the effects of the hot food going down the esophagus, but damage can sometimes be caused. You could have spit it out, but, eew.

There is no need to sear the esophagus with what the mouth cannot handle.

This said, I want to know what you think that last sentence means metaphorically. And you are NOT aloud to read the other comment(s) before giving your answer, ignore them while you type : )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Even tasting something that wisdom says may damage can be dangerous. But if we aren't listening to wisdom and do taste, and find it dangerous, the next wise step is to spit it out, regardless of what others may think. If we swallow what we know to be harmful it could do further harm, or, a tolerance might be built up until we no longer recognize the warning signals...this being said, not all hot things are harmful, some are actually good for you. But it still comes back to asking for the spiritual wisdom/discernment and then obeying...taste, and see that the Lord is good!
Love you Beth,